Fixed Culture is not supported invalid culture identifier.

The error is Culture is not supported. parameter name: culture 14345 (0x3809) is an invalid culture identifier. I found the error in windows 7 64Bit when will open a aplication. I found the error
The error is Culture is not supported. parameter name: culture 14345 (0x3809) is an invalid culture identifier. I found the error in windows 7 64Bit when will open a aplication. I found the error

when opening one of the windows application, Studio 5000, where when creating a new project an error message will appear as above.
The software update that is mentioned in the "Symptoms" section is a cumulative update for the .NET Framework 2.0. This update includes changes to the culture names. The new culture names follow the syntax of the IETF standards (RFC 4646 and RFC 4647). The changes to the culture names improve interoperability by making sure that each locale has a consistent identifier.

The mappings of the old culture names to the new culture names are as follows:
Old culture nameNew culture name

The error is because the language used on Windows may not match the language of the application, here I come from Indonesia. and for my case the default Windows 7 language that I use uses English United States, then I change it to my language that is Indonesian and that way it works until finally the error that I encountered was successfully corrected. For how to follow the tutorial below, buddy:
  1. Open start > Control Panel
  2. Chose menu Clock, Language and Region
  3. Chose Region
  4. In my case because I from indonesia the I change Format to my country. But when I return the language to default after I change the language, the error doesn't come back. That means for this problem you have to change your language region
  5. Move to menu Location, change this to your country, same as tutorial number 4
  6. The Click Apply and try to open your aplication which gets an error message as above.
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